Opening the Cinema Shoppers World, Framingham in 1951 are Phil Smith, Dick Smith, and representatives of the shopping center developer, National Suburban Centers.
The Midwest Drive-In management team, seated from the left; Mel Wintman,
Sam Seletxky, Phil Smith, Dick Smith, and Ed Lane.
In the back among others, are Howard Spiess, Nick Lavidor, and Jim Collins.
General Cinema officers in 1965 include (from the left) Ed Lane, Treasurer; Sam Seletsky,
Vice President-Film; Sidney Stoneman, Chairman of the Eexecutive Committee; Dick Smith,
President; Mel Wintman, ExecutiveVice President; Emmanuel Kurland, Secretary.
Signing to close the acquisition of American Beverage Corporation in 1968 (seated from left) Julius Darsky, Dick Smith; (standing from left): Ed Lane, Joseph Darskey.
The General Cinema Theatre Operations group in 1972 from the left; Nick Lavidor,
Stanley Werthman, Mel Wintman, Seymour Evans,Howard Spiess, and Herbert Hurwitz.
AFrom 1981, a two page spread from the Marketing Department's latest endeavor, CinemaScene